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“At the heart of everything we do is people. The people who hand make our products, the people we source materials from, the people who design our products, the people who share the story of our products, together we make up the family that is JOYN.”

About Joyn

Motivated by a passion to connect artisans with markets, Mel and her family moved to Northern India; there, she founded JOYN in 2011.They are committed to hand making products. Intentionally choosing slow and conscious design, taking their time to create beautiful pieces crafted by local makers in the foothills of the Himalayas. Their mission is to be a channel for underserved communities and bring their hand made products to people across the world. They choose people over machinery and are passionate about creating a circular ecosystem where all aspects of the supply chain are taken into account.

Their collections are made from hand woven and hand block printed canvas and 100% genuine, full grain leather.

Wallets and Bags

New Deliveries Monthly

Please visit us in Santa Cruz or Capitola for the latest arrivals.